Sellers Closing Cost & Net Estimator

by | Nov 29, 2023

Are you planning to sell your home and wondering how much money you’ll actually pocket from the sale? We understand that calculating closing costs can be a daunting task, which is why we’ve designed a user-friendly Sellers Closing Cost Calculator to make the process seamless. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the importance of understanding closing costs and how our calculator empowers you to make informed decisions.

Understanding Closing Costs: Before delving into our calculator, it’s crucial to grasp the concept of closing costs. These are expenses beyond the property’s purchase price that both buyers and sellers incur during the real estate transaction. For sellers, these costs may include agent commissions, title insurance, transfer taxes, HOA fees, and more. Knowing these costs upfront can prevent surprises and help you determine the net profit from the sale. We’ve prefilled a few “standard” costs but feel free to edit for your unique sale and/or market.

Why Use Our Sellers Closing Cost Calculator? Our calculator simplifies the complex task of estimating your closing costs, allowing you to:

  1. Budget Effectively: Knowing your anticipated closing costs helps you budget effectively, preventing last-minute financial stress.
  2. Set an Accurate Listing Price: Understanding your potential profit enables you to set a competitive and accurate listing price for your property.
  3. Negotiate Wisely: Armed with knowledge about potential expenses, you can negotiate more effectively during the sales process.

How to Use the Calculator:

  1. Enter Property Details: Begin by inputting basic information about your property, such as its estimated selling price.
  2. Update Specific Details: Your market or your unique sale may not have the same numbers. Change them as you see fit.
  3. Review Detailed Breakdown: Our calculator generates a detailed breakdown in real time. Want a copy, we’ll email you one.
  4. Evaluate Your Net Profit: Easily visualize how much money you can expect to pocket after deducting closing costs.

Real-Life Example: Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario. You plan to sell your home in Lake County, IL, for $300,000. By using our Sellers Closing Cost Calculator, you discover that your estimated closing costs amount to $32,000. This means you can anticipate pocketing $268,000 from the sale.

PRO TIP: This calculator is a go-to resource for buying a home, too! How so, well, with readily available data you can estimate the seller’s “break even” and profit margins. Run numbers with an estimated remaining mortgage caluclator to provide the most accurate estimate. This information is extremly useful during negotiations.

Conclusion: Empower yourself as a seller by utilizing our Sellers Closing Cost Calculator. It’s a valuable tool that provides transparency and allows you to make strategic decisions throughout the selling process. Selling your home should be a rewarding experience, and our calculator is designed to ensure you maximize your profit while minimizing any financial surprises.

Ready to calculate your potential profit? Scroll down for the calculator or download the PDF here.

If you have any questions or need assistance with your real estate journey in Northern Illinois, The Pineapple Brand Company is here to help. Schedule a call for personalized guidance.

Happy selling!

Seller Closing Cost Estimator

Sales Price and Mortgage Payoff

For the best calculations, contact your current mortgage company and ask for a payoff amount. It's ok to estimate, too.

Real Estate Commission


Additional Costs

Illinois real estate taxes are paid in arrears. Sellers provide a credit at closing plus 5-15% depending on location. Chicago closings may see a higher amount and suburbs will see the five percent increase. Taxes are prorated to day of closing.
Illinois: 50¢ per $500
Illinois Counties: 25¢ per $500
If applicable.

Seller Net



Erich Schwenk Headshot

Written By Erich Schwenk

Erich Schwenk is the Designated Managing Broker & Designated Association Manager for the The Pineapple Brand Company. He has a passion for hospitality and created a real estate & management company around high levels of customer service, communication, transparency, and above all - trust. Before launching The Pineapple Brand Company, Erich served 20+ years as a Flight Attendant. He has a background in web development, videography, photography, and digital marketing. Bringing years of service, knowledge and these skills to real estate and its digital marketplace.

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